Our Next Training is in LA! Early Bird Rate Ends Soon. Our next training will be Feb. 5-8, 2014 in the Los Angeles area. Registration is now open! The training will take place at the Olympic Collection Banquet and Conference Center. This will be a full training, so we recommend registering early! Early Bird rate ends
December 15th. Training open to students! APSATS training is perfect for grad students or even undergrad students who want to learn more about how to help partners. Graduates of our training will be given a certificate of completion and the training will count towards full certification upon completion of all required elements. Come join us! What is APSATS? The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional training and certification, public education, research, and advocacy for treatment of sex addiction- induced trauma. APSATS is the only organization that specializes in the preparation and certification of Partner Specialists. We train and certify Certified Clinical Partner Specialists (CCPS) and Certified Partner Coaches (CPC) who subscribe to a developing treatment model that acknowledges and responds to the traumatic stress found in partners affected by sex addiction. For more information, please visit http://www.partnertraumaspecialists.org/ Please sign up to receive regular information on training opportunities, locations, research, and advocacy issues related to Sex Addiction Induced Trauma. Join our mailing list now! Comments are closed.
AuthorIngela Edwards, LPC, NCC, SRT, CCPS is an individual and marriage therapist Categories
July 2016
ServicesIndividual therapy
Marriage counseling EMDR ART- Accelerated Resolution Therapy |
Contact IngelaPhone: 214-551-0422
E-mail: [email protected] |